Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You know how you peel off the leaf of an aging year and are thrilled for a new one?
Well, it doesn’t happen that way always. Especially not for a startup that has qualms about how to make it better for its clients or how to keep grinding to meet the yearly projections. That was January 2018 for us. But then you believed in us and gave us your business. We made it our number one priority to make it work.
While we may not have been the best in the industry, we believe our work has confirmed it to you that we are worth another shot in 2019. I and on behalf of the Witflair team, would like to thank you for journeying with us in 2018 and keeping this ship afloat.
We wish you all the best in 2019 and more to come as we continue collaborating.
To a happy 2019, cheers!